VECTRONIX Disks # 1- 457 (updated Apr 2004) |
(Games in grey text- I don't have the disk. Currently missing 3 disks))
458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467~68 469 470 471 472 473 474~75 476~77 478~79 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494~00 501~04 505~06 507 508 509~10 511~12 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523~24 525 526 527 528 529 530~32 533~34 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547~48 549~52 553 554~55 556 557~61 562~63 564~65 566 567~69 570~71 572~73 574 575 576~77 578 579~81 582~83 584~85 586 587~88 589 590 591~92 593 594~95 596~98 599~00 601~04 605~07 608 609~11 612~13 614 615~16 617~18 619~20 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629~30 631 632 633~34 635~36 637 638~39 640~41 642~43 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655~56 657~58 659 660 661 662~63 664~65 666 667 668 669 670~71 672~74 675~76 676 677~78 679 680 681~82 683~84 685~86 687~89 690 691 692 693 694~95 696 697 698 699~00 701 702 703 704 705 706 707~08 709 710 711~12 713~14 715 716~17 718~19 720~21 722~25 726 727~30 731~36 737 738~40 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 |
Popeye II Rolling Ronny Indiana Jones III (Action) Zombie Warhawk, I-Ball, Slaygon North, South Quizmaster Lucky Luke, Startrash The Pawn Barbarian II A, B (Palace) Wonderboy In Monsterland Chase H.Q. Rings Of Medusa Populous, Populous - The Promised Lands Bluewar III Special Forces A, B Operation Thunderbolt A, B Xenon II A, B F29 Retaliator Mission Mouse (High Res.) Esprit (High Res.) Chaos Strikes Back Jinxter Two On Two Jumping Jackson Legend Of The Lost Dungeon Master Super Cars II X-Out, Spy Vs Spy II, Hellraiser Gauntlet Colorado Prehistorik Elvira II - Jaws Of Cerberus A, B, C, D, E, F, G D-Day A, B, C, D Deliverance A, B Seven Gates Of Jambala Dive Bomber Gauntlet II A, B Living Jigsaw A, B Fighter Command Jack Nicklaus Golf Tolteka, Shoot The Moon Game Over, No Excuse Flood Chase Hq II (Sci) Thunderwing Rampart 5th Gear Flying Shark Double Dragon II A, B Exterminator, Rick Dangerous II Blasteroids, Sorcerer Lethal Weapon Black Tiger Beach Volleyball Ultima 6 A, B, C Hook A, B Crazy Cars II, Speed Ball Enforcer, Flight Simulator II Oxyd II Ultima II Army Moves, Clown-O-Mania, Firezone, Virus Theatre Of War Duck Tales Asterix - Operation Hinkelstein Elite, Custodian Theme Park Mystery Phantasy III Nam Alienfire A, B Guy Spy A, B, C, D Sex-Games After The War A, B Phoenix (Infogrames) Heimdall A, B, C, D, E Future World A, B Fate - Gates Of Dawn A, B Turrican II Winter Supersports 92 A, B, C Shadow Of The Beast A, B Utopia A, B Vroom Multiplayer Airbus A320 - Usa Edition Beast Lord A, B Pixie, Dixie The Patrizian A, B, C Shadow Sorcerer A, B Civilisation A, B Gunship Ork A, B Swiv Harricana Match Of The Day A, B Speedball II Dick Tracy A, B Ninja Remix A, B, C Ultimate Race A, B Conquests Of Camelot A, B, C, D Goblins A, B, C Die Hard II Manhunter II A, B, C Cool World A, B Midi Battle Tennis Cup II A, B Double Dragon III A, B Transartica A, B Stable Master II Professional Football Masters 4.0 Railroad Tycoon Frontier - Elite II Goal! - Kick Off III Back To The Future II Commando, Toobin E-Motion, Cloud Kingdoms, Infestation, Zener Space 1889 A, B Blockout, Hotrod, Klax, Sim City Count Duckula II Ice, Fire A, B A.G.E. A, B Kick Off Epic A, B Rock'n'roll Clams A, B Son Shu Si A, B Goal! - Kick Off III One Step Beyond Flight Simulator II Scenery Disk - Usa Flight Simulator II Scenery Disk - Western Europe Flight Simulator II Scenery Disk - Japan Table Tennis, Fighting Soccer Zero Gravity Chopper X Motorhead Huckleberry Hound Locomotion Robocop III A, B King Maker A, B Magic Boy Caesar Works Team Ralley Hot Rubber A, B Fire Force A, B Flight Of The Intruder Badlands, Vaxine, Sword, The Rose The Games - Winter Edition Pinball Magic, Atomix, Klax Towers A, B Microprose Golf A, B, C Av8b Harrier Assault A, B Av8b Harrier Assault, B Microprose Formula One Grand Prix A, B Populous II Pop Up Top Banana A, B Elvira A, B Black Gold A, B International Sports Challenge A, B, C Goldrunner, Voice-Doc! Skychase, Lancelot Starwars Firehawk Their Finest Hour A, B Das Magazin African Raiders 20.000 Meilen Unter Dem Meer Galaxy Force II A, B Fernandez Must Die The New Zealand Story Celica GT Rally Paris Dakar The Spy Who Loved Me Mig 29 Fulcrum Tactical Manager A, B Satan Hacker Beast II A, B West Phaser A, B Harlequin Realms A, B Super Skweek A, B Video Kid A, B Hero Quest A, B, C, D Tetris II Colonel Bequest A, B, C, D God Father A, B, C, D, E, F Blue Angel Loom A, B, C Thunderstrike, International Soccer Testdrive Outrun, Buggy Boy Rambo III, Super Sprint Eliminator, Nebulus Bolo, Overlander Super Hang-On Flying Shark Exolon, Arkanoid II Sidewinder Spherical |
752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759~60 761~62 763 764 765~66 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781~82 783~84 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793~94 795 796 797 798~99 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809~10 811 812 813 814 815 816~17 818~19 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829~31 832 833~35 836~38 839~40 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849~50 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859~60 861 862 863~64 865 866 867 868 869 870 871~72 873~74 875 876~77 878 879 880 881 882 883 884~86 887~88 889 890~91 892 893 894 895~96 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921~22 923 924 925 926 927 928 929~30 931 932 933 934 935~36 937 938 939 940~42 943 944~46 947~48 949 950 951 952~54 955 956 957~60 961~63 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971~72 973 974 975 976 977 978~79 980 981 982 983 984~85 986~87 988 989 990 991~92 993~96 997 998 999~00
Winter Games, Planetfall Jagd Auf Roter Oktober Circus Games Bomb Jack Bombuzal, Xenon Battle Chess Turrican, Blitzkrieg Way Of The Samurai Hoversprint A, B Legend A, B Third Reich Parasol Stars Silicon Knights A, B Alien World Discovery Race Drivin' Blaxx Tecno Ball II Interphase Conqueror, Football Manager, Ivanhoe Sim City Roger Rabbit Cabal Day Of The Pharaoh Snow Strike, The Light Corridor Gremlins II Simulcra Prince Of Persia A , B Wings Of Death A, B Speedball II Psion Chess Robocop II Powermonger Flimbos Quest Magic Fly, Hoyles Book Of Games Indianapolis 500 Red Lightning Gods A, B The Immortal Western Games Game Over II Tip Off A, B Face Off, Dugger Pang, Matrix Marauders The Hound Of Shadow Damocles Take Two, Light Corridor Professor Mariati, Back To The Future Powerboat Usa Live And Die Spitting Image Cadaver A, B Full Metal Planet Thunderburner Days Of Thunder Nitro Rock'n'roll Chuck Rock A, B Murder In Space A, B Karate Kid II, Flight Simulator II Platoon Xenon Fire, Forget Kick Off Hard Drivin II, Sword And The Rose Clown-O-Mania Strider II Golden Axe Larry III A, B, C Tim Und Struppi Auf Dem Mond Indiana Jones III A, B, C Operation Stealth A, B, C The Untouchables A, B Midnight Resistance Live And Let Die Chicago 90 Verminator Disc Snow Strike, Conflict Oliver, Co. Resolution 101 Deja Vu A, B Talespin (missing) Asterix II - Operation Hinkelstein Wall Street Wizard Oil Mania, Block Buster Speedball (missing) Big Business War Zone Bolo Werkstatt Manhunter A, B Operation Jupiter Back To The Future III Shadowlands A, B Time Runner Adams Family (missing) Graham Tylor Soccer Challenge Yogi's Big Clean Up Touring Car Racer Droid Space Shuttle A, B Carl Lewis A, B Captain Dynamo Operation Wolf A, B Day Of The Viper Mythos, Zork Z-Out Do Run Run, Professor Mariati Prehistorik Tale Dragons Tower, Hunter Space Quest III A, B, C Eskimo Games A, B R-Type II Midwinter II A, B Metal Master Player Manager Borrowed Time Mega Twins A, B Ninja Rabbits Final Blow Football Director II Crime City Oxyd Strider, Edd The Duck, Honkon Phoey Magic Fly Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge Double Dragon Falcon F16 - Mission Disk II Ascot, P-47 Out Zone Mission Elevator, Kick Off Ikari Warriors, Buggy Boy Millenium 2.2 Kult Alien Syndrome Advanced Destroyer Simulator Uridium. Bubble Ghost Eyes Of Houres Waterloo, Licence To Kill Dragon Spirit Crazy Cars II, Kennedy Approach Police Quest The Killing Game Show A, B Cypernoia Vermeer Terry's Big Adventure R.B.I. Baseball II Warlock's Quest Magic Pockets F15 Strike Eagle II A, B Shinobi World Cricket Savage World 1st Division Football Obitus A, B Super Soccer Kid Gloves II Darkman Robocop III A, B, C Cyber Cop Disciples Of Steel A, B, C The Shoe People A, B Spellbound Dizzy Space Crussade John Banes Football Baragon Attack A, B, C Seymour Sooty And Sweep Ultima IV A, B, C, D Amberstar A, B, C Truck Racing Slackskin And Flint Combo Racer Frenetic Fire, Forget II Alien Storm Armalyte Brat, A, B Carmen In San Diego Blues Brothers, Burger Man Boston Bomb Club, Fallen Angles Berlin 1948 Big Run L'aigle D'or A, B Monster Business Smash Tv Water Ski Super Stuntman, Red Head Killing Cloud A, B On The Road A, B Time Scanner Powermonger World War I Dyna Blaster D-Generation, A, B Lure Of The Temptress A, B, C, D Under The Ice Balance Of Power Another World A, B |