8) Music: As
you might expect, I'm stuck in the era of the late 60's to the mid
70's. None of the 80's or 90's music is worth a shit and few groups
remain around longer than a few months. My favourites (in order
of preference) are: Pink Floyd, Slade, Twisted Sister, AC/DC,
Meatloaf and last but not least, Black Sabbath .
It's not all Rock and Roll or Heavy Metal - I do enjoy listening
to a few of the real Classicals: such as
Beethoven (played VERY LOUD), Sibelius (always
makes me visualise high alpine mountains), Wagner and Strauss (very relaxing). Finally some of the Country &
Western / Folk music is quite okay as a change. The type of music
that offends my eardrums:- Jazz (wailing),
Blues, Rap Music (sounds like one long moan), Trash Metal (horrific!),
Punk (just shouting), Gospel or Opera (Yech!)