Format Gold (From ATARI ST FORMAT magazine) Title Issue Rating Purple Saturn Day 0008, February 1989 98% Format Gold Midwinter 09, April 1990 96% Format Gold F19 Stealth Fighter 12, July 1990 96% Format Gold R-Type 0007, January 1989 96% Format Gold Bloodwych 01, August 1989 95% Format Gold Powerdrome 0006, December 1988 95% Format Gold Starglider II 0004, October 1988 95% Format Gold Tower Of Babel 05, December 1989 94% Format Gold Damocles 13, August 1990 94% Format Gold Captive 16, November 1990 93% Format Gold Interphase 04, November 1989 93% Format Gold Player Manager 11, June 1990 93% Format Gold Gettysburg 17, December 1990 93% Format Gold Gravity 08, March 1990 93% Format Gold Operation Stealth 15, October 1990 93% Format Gold Rainbow Islands 09, April 1990 93% Format Gold Resolution 101 11, June 1990 93% Format Gold Kick Off II 14, September 1990 92% Format Gold Sim City 12, July 1990 92% Format Gold Strider 03, October 1989 92% Format Gold Austerlitz 08, March 1990 92% Format Gold BAT 17, December 1990 92% Format Gold Dragons Breath 10, May 1990 92% Format Gold Populus 0010, April 1989 92% Format Gold Thunderblade 0007, January 1989 92% Format Gold Armada 10, May 1990 91% Format Gold Batman 06, January 1990 91% Format Gold Conqueror 09, April 1990 91% Format Gold Corruption 0002, August 1988 91% Format Gold Flood 13, August 1990 91% Format Gold Spindizzy Worlds 17, December 1990 91% Format Gold Their Finest Hour-Battle Of Britain 15, October 1990 91% Format Gold Waterloo 01, August 1989 91% Format Gold BAAL 0008, February 1989 91% Format Gold Captain Blood 0002, August 1988 91% Format Gold Magic Fly 14, September 1990 91% Format Gold War In Middle Earth 009, March 1989 91% Format Gold The Hound Of Shadow 05, December 1989 90% Format Gold Blood Money 02, September 1989 90% Format Gold Castle Master 10, May 1990 90% Format Gold Indiana Jones & Last Crusade (Action) 02, September 1989 90% Format Gold Iron Lord 07, February 1990 90% Format Gold Onslaught 05, December 1989 90% Format Gold Warhead 11, June 1990 90% Format Gold Wayne Gretzky Hockey 10, May 1990 90% Format Gold Xenon II 03, October 1989 90% Format Gold Menace 005, November 1988 90% Format Gold Virus 0001, July 1988 86% Format Gold Forgotten Worlds 0013, July 1989 86% Format Gold Ultima V 0010, April 1989 86% Format Gold Federation Of Free Traders (FOFT) 0004, October 1988 85% Format Gold Dark Side 012, June 1989 85% Format Gold Whirligig 0003, September 1988 84% Format Gold Archipelagos 0011, May 1989 84% Format Gold Lords Of The Rising Sun 012, June 1989 84% Format Gold Space Harrier 0003, September 1988 83% Format Gold Weird Dreams 0013, July 1989 81% Format Gold
Other Titles Reviewed (A~Z) Rating 3D Pool 71% 944 Turbo Cup 70% (Amiga) A Dark Sky Over Paradise 63% A Question Of Sport 70% Altered Beast 82% AMC (Astro-Marine Corps) 69% Anarchy 77% Ancient Battles 54% Antago 84% Aquanaut 41% Archipelagos 84% Format Gold Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh 80% Armada 91% Format Gold Astaroth 72% Astate 38% Atomic Robokid 82% Atomix 79% Austerlitz 92% Format Gold Axel's Magic Hammer 76% BAAL 91% Format Gold Back To The Future II 62% Back To The Gold Age 57% Badlands Pete 32% Ballistix 64% BAT 92% Format Gold Batman 91% Format Gold Battle Hawks 1942 73% Battle Master 82% Battlechess 85% (Amiga) Battletech 72% Beach Volley 62% Better Dead Than Alien 75% (Amiga) Beverly Hills Cop 49% Bio Challenge 86% Black Tiger 70% Blinky's Scary School 70% Blitzkrieg 57% Blockout 72% Blood Money 90% Format Gold Bloodwych 95% Format Gold Breach II 82% BSS Jane Seymour - Federation Quest 1 87% Bubble + 38% Buffalo Bill's Wild West Rodeo Games 83% Cadaver 81% Captain Blood 91% Format Gold Captive 93% Format Gold Carrier Command 85% Castle Master 90% Format Gold Castle Warrior 43% Challengers (compilation) 92% Championship Tie Break 83% Chariots Of Wrath 59% Chase HQ 71% Chronoquest II 88% Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 34% Chuckie Egg 75% (Amiga) Colossus Chess X 87% Conflict Europe 84% Conqueror 91% Format Gold Continental Circus 83% Corruption 91% Format Gold Cosmic Pirate 79% Crackdown 81% Crazy Cars II 71% Cricket Captain 73% Custodian 73% Cyberball 80% Cybernoid II 70% Damocles 94% Format Gold Dan Dare III - The Escape 63% Dark Century 52% Dark Side 85% For Gold (A) Day Of The Pharaoh 63% Day Of The Viper 80% Days of Thunder 88% Dead End 65% Debut 77% Demon's Winter 68% (Amiga) Double Dragon II 75% Dr Doom's Revenge 29% Dragon Breed 68% Dragon's Lair 43% Dragonflight 71% Dragons Breath 92% Format Gold Drakkhen 79% Dream Zone 65% Driller 70% Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'N' Everthin' 69% Dynasty Wars 68% E-Motion 76% Eliminator 70% Elite 75% Emlyn Hughes International Soccer 75% Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters 80% Eye Of Horus 84% F19 Stealth Fighter 96% Format Gold F29 Retaliator 76% Falcon Mission Disk II 70% Federation Of Free Traders (FOFT) 85% Format Gold Ferrari Formula One 62% Final Command 82% Fire And Brimstone 84% Fire And Forget II 48% Fireball 70% Firepower 58% (Amiga) First Contact 58% Flip-it And Magnose 72% Flood 91% Format Gold Forgotten Worlds 86% Format Gold Fright Night 88% (Amiga) Frontline 49% Full Blast (compilation) 90% Fusion 82% (Amiga) Future Basketball 81% Future Wars 87% Galactic Conqueror 78% Galaxy Force II 68% Galdregon's Domain 87% (Amiga) Games - Summer Edition 82% Garfield - A Winter's Tail 70% Gettysburg 93% Format Gold Ghost 'N' Goblins 69% Ghostbusters II 62% Ghouls 'N' Ghosts 84% Gravity 93% Format Gold Hard Drivin' 84% Harley Davidson - The Road To Sturghs 76% Hawaiian Odyssey 73% Heroes (compilation) 85% Hostages 78% Hoyle's Book Of Games 73% Imperium 87% Incredible Shrinking Sphere 80% Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Action Game) 90% Format Gold Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Adventure) 77% Infestation 69% International 3D Tennis 88% International Soccer 70% (Amiga) International Soccer Challenge 85% Interphase 93% Format Gold Iron Lord 90% Format Gold Italia '90 60% Ivanhoe 66% James Pond 81% Jinks 78% (Amiga) JUG 72% Junping Jack'Son 56% Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match 32% Khalaan 59% Kick Off 88% Kick Off Extra Time 49% Kick Off II 92% Format Gold Kid Gloves 77% King Of Chicago 61% Klax 87% Knight Force 70% Kult 73% Lancaster 81% Last Duel 63% Last Ninja II 86% Leathernecks 76% LED Storm 71% Legend Of Faerghail 90% Legend Of The Lost 22% Legend Of The Sword 88% Leisure Suit Larry III 61% Leonardo 62% Let Sleeping Gods Lie 72% Licence To Kill 76% Live And Let Die 83% Lombard RAC Rally 80% Loom 81% Loopz 58% Lords Of The Rising Sun 84% For Gold (A) Lost Soul 68% Luxor 60% M1 Tank Platoon 84% Magic Fly 91% Format Gold Magic Lines 47% Manchester United 60% Manix 71% Mean Streets 84% Menace 90% For Gold (A) Midnight Resistance 41% Midwinter 96% Format Gold Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz 71% Millenium 2.2 86% Monster Grand Slam 54% (Amiga) Monty Python 84% Moonwalker 84% Mortville Manor 78% (Amiga) Murder 72% Navy Moves 69% New Zealand Story 78% Night Hunter 69% Nightbreed - The Interactive Movie 58% Ninja Warriors 69% North And South 58% Onslaught 90% Format Gold Operation Neptune 70% (Amiga) Operation Stealth 93% Format Gold Operation Thunderbolt 73% Oriental Games 78% Outrun 71% P.O.W. 84% (Amiga) P47 Thunderbolt 67% Pacmania 80% (Amiga) Pandora 63% Paradroid '90 78% Paris Dakar 32% Passing Shot 71% Phobia 65% Photon storm 51% Pick 'n' Pile 46% Pictionary 72% Pinball Magic 71% Pinball Wizard 70% Pipe Mania 76% Pirates 74% Platinum (compilation) 85% Player Manager 93% Format Gold Plotting 72% Populus 92% For Gold (A) Power Drift 83% Power Pack (compilation) 88% Power Play 55% (Amiga) Powerdrome 95% Format Gold Pro Tennis Tour 70% Projectyle 86% Prophecy 1 - The Viking Child 67% Prosoccer 2190 12% Purple Saturn Day 98% Format Gold Quartz 75% R-Type 96% Format Gold Rainbow Islands 93% Format Gold Rainbow Warrior 47% Rana Rama 75% Ranx 70% Red Heat 52% Red Lightning 64% Red Storm Rising 89% Resolution 101 93% Format Gold Return Of The Jedi 72% Return To Genesis 74% Rick Dangerous II 86% Risk 68% Roadblasters 58% Robocop 56% Rock Star Ate My Hamster 68% Rocket Ranger 73% Rorke's Drift 46% Rotox 81% Running Man 73% (Amiga) RVF Honda 68% Safari Guns 33% Saint Dragon 78% Satan 39% Savage 61% Scapeghost 35% Shadow Of The Beast 83% Shinobi 47% Silkworm 70% Sim City 92% Format Gold Simulcra 81% Skate Wars 63% Skidz 71% Sky Chase 78% (Amiga) Skyfox II 58% Slayer 54% Sly Spy Secret Agent 59% Snoopy 39% Soccer Glory 29% Space Ace 58% Space Harrier 83% Format Gold Space Harrier II 51% Space Quest III 83% Space Rogue 30% Speedball 80% Spellbound 79% Spiderman 74% Spindizzy Worlds 91% Format Gold Squeek 52% Star Command 37% Starblade 51% Starflight 70% Starglider II 95% For Gold (A) Stargoose 68% Starray 79% (Amiga) Starwrek 15% Storm Lord 80% Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) 85% Strider 92% Format Gold Strider II 79% Stunt Car Racer 74% Subbuteo 70% Summer Olypiad 77% Sundog: Frozen Legacy 64% Super League Soccer 62% Super Wonder Boy In Monster Land 82% T.N.T (compilation) 74% Team Yankee 84% The Empire Strikes Back 60% The Final Conflict 75% The Gold Of The Aztecs 71% The Hound Of Shadow 90% Format Gold The Immortal (1 Meg Only) 87% The Light Corridor 82% The Official Everton Football Club Intelligensia 57% The Quest For The Time Bird 78% The Rings Of Medusa 68% The Sentinel 82% (Amiga) The Seven Gates Of Jambala 78% The Spy Who Loved Me 80% The Toyottes 81% The Untouchables 81% Their Finest Hour - The Battle Of Britain 91% Format Gold Theme Park Mystery 80% Thunderbirds 77% Thunderblade 92% For Gold (A) Thunderstrike 88% Time 79% Time Machine 83% Time Scanner 67% (Amiga) Tintin On The Moon 73% Titan 79% Toobin' 74% Torvak The Warrior 70% Tower Of Babel 94% Format Gold Treasure Island Dizzy 82% Treasure Trap 81% Treble Champions 19% Turbo Outrun 70% Turrican 82% Tusker 51% TV Sports Football 68% Twin World 69% Typhoon Thompson 86% U.N. Squadron 46% Ultima V 86% Format Gold UMS II 87% Universe III 48% Vaxine 84% Vectorball 63% (Amiga) Venus - The Flytrap 77% Verminator 83% Veteran 60% Vigilante 70% (Amiga) Vindicators 71% Virus 86% Format Gold Voodoo Nightmare 76% Voyager 76% War In Middle Earth 91% For Gold (A) Warhead 90% Format Gold Warp 20% Waterloo 91% Format Gold Wayne Gretzky Hockey 90% Format Gold Web Of Terror 35% Weird Dreams 81% Format Gold Weird Tales 72% Whirligig 84% Format Gold Wicked 80% Wild Life (AKA Safari Guns) 21% Wild Streets 71% Wings Of Death 81% Wipe Out 64% World Soccer 66% Xenon II 90% Format Gold Xenophobe 55% Yolanda 58% Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders 71% Zero Gravity 75% (Amiga) Zombi 40% (373 reviews ) Top of Page