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The child of AUTOMATION
DISKS 1 ~ 177

<BR>D-BUG Menu 39

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(smaller strings eg "med" rather than "Medway Boys"
will bring better results) 

Most of these disks can be dowloaded  from the
D-BUG Web pages or from the Berlin FTP site

In 2001, D-BUG for some unknown reason, decided to 're-number' a whole pile of disks from 156 onwards -
now I'm totally confused!! Some disks have three different menus - old, new & original
 Green colour = Documentation files

D-BUG 01a/b
D-BUG 02
D-BUG 03
D-BUG 04
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D-BuG 26
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D-BUG 44
D-BUG 45a/b
D-BUG 46a/b/c
D-BUG 47
D-BUG 48a/b
D-BUG 49a/b/c
D-BUG 50

Terminator II + Data Disk, Pro Boxing Simulator
Darkman, Mean Machine, CJ's Antics, J.White's Snooker
Rolling Ronny, Wacky Darts
Guardian, Wolfpack
Final Flight
Flight of the Intruder, Super Nova
Magic Pockets, Stack Up
Midwinter II + data disk, Pro Tennis II
Smash TV, Striker Manager, WWF Wrestling + Data disk
Pit Fighter, Double Dragon III + Data disk
Shadow of the Beast II + Data disk, Whacky Races
Robozone (intro)+ data disk, Fighter Command, R-Type II
Hunter, Cybercon III
Silent Service II (meg), Fruit Machine
Devious Designs + Data disk, James Pond 2 (Robocod)
Wild Wheels, Quik & Silva
Thunderhawk, Suspicious Cargo + Data (3 Disks)
Cisco Heat, Rodlands
Railroad Tycoon (meg), Charge of the Light Brigade
Shadow Sorceror
Warzone, Alien Storm
Mega Twins + Data Disk, Utopia, Atomik Packer v3.3
Barbarian II (Psygnosis) + Data Disk
Knightmare + data disk
Super Skweek, Armageddon + data disks (3 Disks)
World Class Rugby, Lotus Turbo Esprit II
Football Director II, Final Blow,Graham Souness Vector Soccer
Adv. of Robin Hood, Revenge of the Mutant, Hot Wheels/editor
Oh No! More Lemmings, The Simpsons
Another World + Data, Jungle Boy, GRAV
Super Space Invaders + data disk, Dungeonz, 1st Division Mngr
Switchblade 2, Blackjack Plus 3
Lemmings, Match It!
Germ Crazy, Entombed, Ancient Games
Deathbringer, Rockfall, Serendipity
Top Banana, Crush
First Samuri, Infiltration
World Cricket, Tip Off
Harlequin +
Knights of the Sky
Microprose Golf Prg and Course disk 2
Spellbound Dizzy, Prince of the Yolkfolk, Microprose Golf - Course disk 1 and Save disk
Kick Off: Return To Europe, Panic Dizzy, Flipped
Robocop 3 + data disk, Quik Snax, Klatrix
 Hudson Hawk, Bubble Dizzy
Rubicon + data disk, Titus the Fox
Steel Empire + data, Space 1889, STOS Cricket +Data
Hover Sprint
Armalyte, Leander + data disk
Elf + Data disks, Space Gun + Data, Atomic v3.5 (3 Disks)
Parasol Stars, Erik (D-BUG List 1-50)

D-BUG 51
D-BUG 52
D_BUG 53
D-BUG 54a/b
D-BUG 55a/b
D-BUG 56
D-BUG 57
D-BUG 58a/b
D-BUG 59a/b
D-BUG 60a/b/c
D-BUG 61

Space Crusade,Jimmy Barnes Soccer
Shadowlands,Blaster,Asteroids,Masterbreak Multi-Depacker,Digi Composer
Crime City + docs,Head Coach
Legend + Data disk, Air To Air + docs, Taipan II, ST Tetris, Turrets,
Pushover + Data disk,Escapade,Slug
The Adams Family,Heroquest Expansion Disk
Football Master,Asterix Operation Getafix
Ultima 6 + Creator/data Disk, Toxic II
Pacific Islands + data,Indy Heat,CJ in USA, Spider Spell,X-Copy
Goblins + Data,Droid,Mr Dice,Maze,Happy Worm, Backgammon, Bang plus docs (3 Disks)
Graham Taylor's Soccer Challenge / England,
 Docs Only: Adams family,Shadowlands,
J.Barnes Soccer, RSI Baseball II

D-BUG 62a
D-BUG 62b
D-BUG 63
D-BUG 64
D-BUG 65
D-BUG 66

European Championship 92, Maps: Robocop III, Fire & Ice, F-Copy Pro
 European Championship 92 Data Disk
Air Bucks, Boing, Chain Reaction + docs
Populous 2 (512K), Pure Logic, Zap, PlaxAtax, Duckdash, Docs+ Codes
Projectyle, Renaissance I, Island Hopping
Dick Tracy, Ozone,
Docs Only: Indy Heat, Midwinter II,   Legend, Harlequin, Pushover
Codes, Hoversprint,Panic Dizzy, Bubble Dizzy, Spellbound Dizzy, Parasol Stars, Prince Yolkfolk

D-BUG 67
D-BUG 68a/b/c
D-BUG 68d
D-BUG 68e
D-BUG 69a/b
D-BUG 70

Discovery, Football, Quiz Construction kit, Horse Racing Simulator, Colossal Cave Adventure
Heimdall + data, Save Game Maker, The Maps (4 Disks)
Ballzone, Heimdall Data
Invasion of Mutant Caterpillars, Heimdall Hints
Hook + data, Seymour goes to Hollywood, European Football Champ, Deeplair,
Docs Only: Turrets, Hunter Solution,   Space Crusade, Double Dragon 3, Titus the Fox,
CJ in the USA, Steel Empire
Advantage Tennis, Smash Hit,  Docs Only: Heimdall, Smash TV, Shadow of the Beast 2, Wolfchild,
Football Director 2, Darkman Ancient Games, Striker Manager, Mavericks Cheats

D-BUG 71a/b
D-BUG 72a/b
D-BUG 73a/b
D-BUG 74
D-BUG 75a/b
D-BUG 76a/b/c
D-BUG 77
D-BUG 78
D-BUG 79a/b

International Sports Challenge + data, Powaqqatsi + doc, Teseraem + Doc, Puzmania
Carl Lewis Challenge + data, Oceans Summer Games Steg the SLug, Cyber Snake, Docs
Ishar + Data disk, Cheats,
Docs Only: Hunter, Flight of the Intruder, Adventures of Robin Hood,
Unnkulian Underworld

Dynamo, Final Command
Realms + Data Disk
Lure of the Temptress + Data disks (3 Disks)
Video Kid, Spikey in Translvania
Populus 2 (Meg), Hotshot Chequers, Squareoff
Facination + data disk, Striker, Adventures of Snatch & Crutch
 Docs Only:Striker, Blox,
Snatch & Crutch,Video Kid, Spikey in Transylvania, Lure of the Temptress

D-BUG 80
D-BUG 81a
D-BUG 81b
D-BUG 82
D-BUG 83a/b
D-BUG 84
D-BUG 85
D-BUG 86a/b/c
D-BUG 87
D-BUG 88a/b

Wizkid, Blox
Hot Rubber, Spellbound, Balls, Frying Friends, Pack Ice v2.4
Hot Rubber Data, Sleuth,
G-Loc, Aaron, Mystic Well,
Docs Only: Solitaire, Balls, Proflight Simulator,
Docs:-Hot Rubber, Midwinter II, Shadow of the Beast, Championship Manager
Championship Manager + data disk, Tetri, UnKulian Underworld Cybernetix, Solitare
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge III, Magic Land Dizzy, Space Crusade   Maps,
Docs Only:- Final Fight,
Rodland, Pro Boxing Simulator
, Harlequin, Super Space Invaders, Terminator 2, Flight Intruder Keys
Espania 92 Games + Data, (3 Disks) Docs Only: Powermonger Cluebook, Prince Yolkfolk & Space
Crusade Hints, Driller, Galdregons Domain,
   Espania 92 Games, Silent Service II
Captian Planet
California Games II + Data, Zeppelin World Rugby, Frankenstein, Multiplayer Soccer Manager.
Docs: Football Dir. 2,Chuck Rock Cheat, Int. Sports, Challenge,
Mafdet Book of the Dead 92, California Games II, Realms

D-BUG 89a
D-BUG 89b
D-BUG 90a/b
D-BUG 91
D-BUG 92
D-BUG 93a
D-BUG 93b
D-BUG 94
D-BUG 95a
D-BUG 95b
D-BUG 96a/b
D-BUG 97a/b/c
D-BUG 98a/b
D-BUG 99
D-BUG 100a/b
D-BUG 100c/d
D-BUG 100e

Mrs Munchie, Race Driven Intro, Docs
Race Drivin, Slightly Magic, Super Seymour Saves the Planet
Epic + Data Disk, Docs and Solution
Premier Manager, International Ninja Rabbits
Rampart, Round the Bend
Match of the Day,
Docs Only: ECO, Castles, Golden Path
 Castles, Shadowlands Cheat Maker
Motorhead, Robin Hood (Codemasters), Slug 2092
Docs: Deuteros, Pitfighter, Another World, Lotus Esprit3
Sensible Soccer, Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo
Sensible Scoccer data, Count Ducula 2, Q2, Bubble Bobble 92, Docs,
Last Ninja 3 + data disk, Johanger Kahn Squash, Speed Packer 3
Amberstar + data disks, Last Arcadian, Music disk 1 Chip Music 1, Chronicle Demo, Docs
Deutros + data disk, Indiana Jones in the Fate of Atlantas
Spot, Wreckers, Kid up, Plop, Docs
Streetfighter II + data disk, Disk List, Voting List
WWF European Rampage + data disk, Streetfighter II data
Cool Croc Twins, Hardcore, Docs

D-BUG 101a/b
D-BUG 102a
D-BUG 102b
D-BUG 103a/b
D-BUG 104

Face Off, Wolfchild + data disk, Evader
 Cool World, Captain Carnage, Pakibash,
Docs: Meglomania,Downfall, Space War,Special Forces
Space War, Downfall, Cool World Game Data
 Special Forces + data disk
Heavy Metal Heroes, Oxxonian Game 2,
Docs Only:- Simpsons, Cybercon3 Solve, Cruise
for Corpse Solve, F1 Grand Prix, Utopia
World Class Rugby, Harlequin Solve, Chessmaster
2175, Suspicious
Cargo,  Mercenary 3, Railroad Tycoon Technical manual/Key guide.

D-BUG 105

Rebellion, Slackskin and Flint, Docs:- Barbarian 2, Epic, Final Blow, MS Golf, Hunter,Dev.
Designs,Cisco Heat,Elf,Cheats

D-BUG 106
D-BUG 107
D-BUG 108
D-BUG 109
D-BUG 110a
D-BUG 110b/c
D-BUG 111
D-BUG 112
D-BUG 113a/c
D-BUG 113b
D-BUG 114
D-BUG 115a/b/c
D-BUG 116a/b
D-BUG 117a/b
D-BUG 118
D-BUG 119
D-BUG 120
D-BUG 121
D-BUG 122a
D-BUG 122b
D-BUG 123a/b
D-BUG 124a/b
D-BUG 125
D-BUG 126
D-BUG 127
D-BUG 128
D-BUG 129
D-BUG 130
D-BUG 131
D-BUG 132
D-BUG 133

Lethal Weapon, Oxxonian Game1, Spinmania, Pocket Bike
Mig 29 Superfulcrum, Combat Course
A320 Airbus, Insecticide, Docs
Twin Turbos, Poker, Match Maker, Docs
 Sensible Soccer v1.1, Violence
Night Breed Interactive Movie + data disk, Insecteroid, Docs
Sky Fox 2, Centipede, Squish, Twix, Senate, Chessmaster 2175 Mega Depacker v1.9, Pictura 2-0
Formula 1 Grand Prix, Ork, Galaxian, Docs, + Data
Formula 1 Grand Prix Data (reqs 113a & 113c)
Thunderjaws, Bloody Run,
Docs:- Lethal Weapon etc
Goblins II, Docs, Acc Games, The Power, + Data Course Angler, Docs, (3 disks)
Orbitus + Data Disk
Fire and Ice plus data disk
AV8B, Assult Harrier
Die Hard II, Archer Maclean Pool
Creatures, 4-7-11
Alcatraz + Maps,
Docs: Ogre, Overlord, Blues Bros, Altered Beast
3D Construction Kit, Knife ST
3D Data, Neochrome v2.23, Fracland,Animation Tool,STOS Tool.
Blue Max + Data disk, Kid Kong, Mathematica.
Crimewave + Data disk, Manciola, Slot Machine, The Maze.
 Grav 2, International Truck Racing, Cybercop
Lobotamy Invader, Kubis, Rayoid, Docs
Crystal Kingdoms Dizzy, Bugs UK
Campaign, Bolo
No Second Prize, Firehawk
Risky Woods, Abombinaball, Docs
Graham Gooch Champ.Cricket, Treble Champs 2,Stomp,Docs
Nigel Mansels Grand Prix Challenge, Pablo & Gold of Montezuma's
Lemmings 2 - Tribes ,
Docs:- Continental Circus, International Ice Hockey,The Grail, Airball,
Jupiter Probe, Major Motion, Jug
Tanglewood, Tetra Quest, ST Soccer

D-BUG 134a
D-BUG 134b
D-BUG 135a/b
D-BUG 136a/b
D-BUG 137a/b/c
D-BUG 138
D-BUG 139a/b
D-BUG 140a/b/c
D-BUG 141a/b/c
D-BUG 142a/b
D-BUG 143a/b
D-BUG 144a/b/c
D-BUG 145
D-BUG 146
D-BUG 147
D-BUG 148
D-BUG 149
D-BUG 150a
D-BUG 150b
D-BUG 150c
D-BUG 150d

Reach For the Sky, Psycho Pig 2, Docs
Mike Watsons Mega Depacker v2.34, Docs, Reach Sky Data
Civilization (Meg) + Data Disk, Docs
The Chaos Engine + Data, McDonaldLand, Colour Clash, Docs
The Shoe people + data disks, Noddy's playtime
Warriors of Relyene, Killing Game Machine, Hennetias Book of Spells
D-Day + Data Disk, John Lowes Ultimate Darts
Sleepwalker (3 disks)
Ween + 2 Data Disks, 3RD Reich, Docs
Dalek Attack + data, Bonanza Bros,
Docs:- Goblins Hints,1st Samurai solve, Fascination solve,
Ballgame, Castles, Armageddon
Transartica + Data disk, Cohort 2, Docs
Ishar II: Messengers of Doom (3 Disks)
Exile, Puzword, Runes, Super Match Player, Docs
Space Crusade expansion,Rebound,Grand Prix Manager, Frogger
Volfied, Punt II, various docs
Enchanted Lands, Arena Earth
 Grandad + Cheat, Turbo, Missing Link, Docs
Plan 9 from Outer Space, Viewpic v1.01, Revenge Doc Displayer v2.3, CD List, Docs
Plan 9 data, Probe ST v2
Plan 9 data, Fleet ST Madness, X-Boot v3.0, Hotwire v3.0, PA-Packer, Docs
Plan 9 data, Prensorium, Clod Hopper.
 Docs:- Prensorium and codes, Clod Hopper,
Titus The Fox, B17 Flying Fortress.

D-BUG 151a
D-BUG 151b
D-BUG 151c
D-BUG 152
D-BUG 153a/b
D-BUG 154
D-BUG 155
D-BUG 156
D-BUG 157a
D-BUG 157b
D-BUG 157c
D-BUG 157d
D-BUG 158
D-BUG 159a/b
D-BUG 160

Legends of Valour + Maps  Docs:- Lengends of Valour, Rings of Zilfin,
Police Quest 3 plus hints, Streetfighter 2
Legends of Valour data
Legends of Valour data, Glass Buttocks of Tharg
Docs:- Chaos Engine, Creatures, Ninja Re-mix
Potsworth and Co, Legacy Demo, Mix-u-load
Championship Manager 93 + Data, Tornado Ground Attack
Docs Only:- Electronic Pool, Night Hunter,
Chase HQ, Satan, Warzone, To Be On Top,
Fighting Soccer, Power Drift, Blood Money,
Crime Wave, Ranarama, Terrapods

Fireforce plus docs & solution
Zool +, Junior Typist, Docs
Fate Master, Football Manager 2 expansion kit, The Cocoons of Jusse, Count Out, Docs
Elite II, Patrician
World Conquest, Midi Maze 2, Patrician data,docs
B17 Flying Fortress (Microprose), Patrician Data
B17 data, Tuzzle
One Step Beyond
Space Shuttle + Docs + Data B, Huckleberry Hound, Pegasus + Docs
Coarse Angler, Ishar 2 Docs, Makeform

From D-BUG 01 to D-BUG 160 my disks and the 'official list' agree, however; from here on,
my list becomes very confusing. According to the "Official D-BUG List"  these titles are different to the
ones on my actual disks.
'Official' titles are listed in this colour. The other titles are from my actual disks menus.
What we have now is a total fuckup - depending on which 'official list' you base your collection.

D-BUG 161
D-BUG 161
D-BUG 162a
D-BUG 162b
D-BUG 162
D-BUG 163
D-BUG 163a/b
D-BUG 164a/b
D-BUG 164a/b
D-BUG 165
D-BUG 165a
D-BUG 165b

D-BUG 165c
D-BUG 166

High Speed Pascal [now #166]
Grandad 2
Let Sleeping Gods Lie, Brain Damage, Susan, Docs [now #167a]
Prism paint V1.1, Data [now #167b]
Elite 2 - Frontier, Walls of Illusion
Immortal  [now #168]
Kingmaker+ Data disk, Pacman on E's (STe meg)  DOCS:- Elite 2, Gazeteer, Kingmaker, Frontier
Dogfight + Data disk, Dynablaster,Tri Heli III [now #169a/b]
Obsession + Data disk
Castle Caper, Hmec, Skulls,Megaline, Oh No! Not more Radioactive Mineshafts [now #170]
Hollywood Hustler +, Adrenaline Ripper 1.05
 D-Bug CD List 1-165, New Depack 1.01, Hollywood Hustler data,
CHEATS:- Caesar, Legends Of Valour, Crime City, Ishar II
Deadland (1MB), Hollywood Hustler data
Airbus USA Edition + Codes [vanished?]   DOCS:- Bubble Bobble, Sleeping Dogs Lie,
Kid Gloves II, Mr Heli, Navy Seals, Porsworth & Co,
 Rainbow Islands, Slayer, Cadaver,
Magic Fly, Torvak the Warrior, Operation Wolf, Ishar, Gold of the Aztecs, Killdozer,
Lombard RAC Rally, Robocop II, Spacegun, Beach Volley,Blasteroids, Final Command

D-BUG 166
D-BUG 167
D-BUG 167a
D-BUG 167b
D-BUG 168
D-BUG 168
D-BUG 169
D-BUG 169a
D-BUG 169b
D-BUG 170

D-BUG 170
D-BUG 171
D-BUG 171
D-BUG 172
D-BUG 172
D-BUG 173
D-BUG 173
D-BUG 174a/b
D-BUG 174
D-BUG 175a/b
D-BUG 175
D-BUG 176a/b
D-BUG 176
D-BUG 177
D-BUG 177a
D-BUG 177b

High Speed Pascal
Hmec + docs, Storm  [vanished?]
Sleeping Gods Lie,  Brain Damage (TOS 1.62 only)
Sleeping Gods Lie data,  Prism Paint v1.1
Blat, Operation Garfield + Docs  [vanished?]
DOCS:- Gremlins II, Immortal, Killing Game Show, Menace, Storm, Mr Do
Immortal (EA)
Goal, F1 Tornado, Pentiminoes, Tetris  [vanished?]
Dogfight,  Dynablaster
 Dogfight (data),  Tri-Heli II
About the House, Stellar starfighter, Me First, Geography 1 & 2, Conflict, Animal Match Demo
Butterflies in the park, Secession, Flight levels  [vanished?]
Castle Capers Demo, Hmec 2 (STE only), Skulls, Megaline, Oh No! Not More Radioactive Mineshafts
Under pressure, Hero, Bumper Jacky, Docs: Tetris, Pentominoes, Hero   [vanished?]
Team - New Season Edition, Heartland 2000, Herman,  Mine-Sweeper
(No Menu Screen) Mercenary III, Turn and Burn, Cavemania [vanished?]
Zombi +,  Humeur Vitree
Boston Bomb Club, Robin Smiths Cricket, Seigemaster [now #174]
Chaos, Clacker, Jet Set Willy +
Crazy Cars III + data, Adrenalin, ST colour book, Armed & Dangerous  [vanished?]
Boston Bomb Club, Seigemaster, Robin Smith's International Cricket
Age+ data, Stablemaster II, Gulf Tornado, Apache flight  [vanished?]
Godpey (1 Mb), Walls of Illusion (Full Version, 1 Mb), CD List 1-175
Premier manager II + Data, 3rd Reich, Brides of Dracula [now #177a/b]
Under Pressure, Hero, Pacific Assault, Docs: Hero, Tetris, Pentominoes
Grandad II [now #161]
Premier Manager 2 (1MB),  Double Juggle Vegatabobble
Premier Manager 2 data,  Brides of Dracula

 anim line

- END -